Wednesday, July 14, 2010

My blogging experience

Today I’m going to write about my blogging experience. I think that blogging was –sometimes- funny and- always- easy because I could talk about my interests, opinions and themes of my career. Although sometimes it was a little boring to write so many words, it wasn’t very difficult to talk about myself. I have to confess that I was always thinking about the minimum words to write and I had to pad out with reiterative ideas and . I think that the hour of the course influenced in how I expressed my ideas, because sometimes I felt tired and I only want to finish my posts. I think that to had classes before writing helped me too because I learned sometimes about grammar, ( even when I don’t used it here) phonetics and I learned more vocabulary in the classroom.

Finally, I think that this course was very good, because we made exercises about writing, listening, speaking and reading and finally I could improved these abilities. I think that it was very important to write constantly, because it is necessary to develop these habits if I want to improve my english. When I was at school I couldn’t develop these abilities and writing was always a temporary activity. So I think that this is a very good way of improve our english and posting to the classmates made things funnier. I value that Belén was always making new activities and trying to promote the group’s work. I could know what my classmates thought too and to know their interests and to discover that sometimes we liked similar things.

I think that writing here I improved my English and I got more facilties in the end of the course, and writing more wasn’t a problem at all and this is a very good way to learn.

Good bye. Relax and have a nice vacations!

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