Thursday, June 17, 2010

The science of imaginary solutions

Today I’m going to write about something that I read and that seemed really interesting. Alfred Jarry, a French writer created one time a science called ‘Pataphyisics, and he defined it as "the science of imaginary solutions, which symbolically attributes the properties of objects, described by their virtuality, to their lineaments”. He thought that this science had to look for the laws that govern the exceptions. The name appeared in a text of Jarry called “Exploits and opinions of Dr. Faustroll, pataphysician”.

After that, some artists founded the College of 'Pataphysics (being inspired by the College of France). They created it as a sarcastic way to make fun about the scientific, artistic and academic language. The College of Pataphysics had to form erudite people specialized on invented and useless sciences. ‘Pataphysics made fun about the modern scientific thinking, which tries to find laws in all the facts of human life, tries to control to all the natural, human and social issues and wants to remove the exceptions and those things that human can’t explain himself. In opposition to that, pataphysicians express the absurd of human life.

The College of ‘Pataphyisics is organized in commissions, which are arranged in 77 subcomissions. It’s an institution with so many ranks. A lot of artists and philosophers write articles for the College of ‘Pataphysic’s review. Their writings are absurd and extremily erudite.
In 2000, they chose it as the Perpetual President to a crocodile called Lutembi, who actually lives in the Victoria’s Lake.

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